Many people have noted that the new Colors of Paradise collection (see the swatches) has colors that look very similar to the All About the Glow Collection (see the swatches) that was released last summer. So I have prepared some comparison pictures to show you the differences (if any).
Let’s Start with the purple, Tahiti Hottie. Many of you commented that it looks exactly like You Glare, I Glow. I highly disagree on this one. Tahiti Hottie is much more of a reddish purple.
Here’s what it looks like compared with a few other colors. From left to right: CND Shellac Tango Passion, Gelaze Flying Dragon, Gelish You Glare I Glow, Gelish Tahiti Hottie.
Next let’s take a look at that blue that you all love, Mali-Blu Me Away. This one is pretty unique and there wasn’t a medium blue in the All About the Glow collection. From left to right, the colors seen here are: Gelish After Dark, Gelish Holiday Party Blues, Gelish Caution, Gelish Mali-Blu Me Away, Gelish Ocean Wave, Gelish Sugar Daddy and Gelish Wiggle Fingers.
The teal blue in this collection is Rub Me the Sarong Way. This one actually does look very similar to the teal from last year called Radiance is My Middle Name. Sarong is just slightly brighter and it has better coverage than Radiance. I don’t see the need to own both of these.
Here are some other teals. From left to right: CND Shellac Hotski to Tchotchke, Gelaze Turned Up Turquoise, Gelish Radiance is My Middle Name, Gelish Rub Me the Sarong Way, Gelaze For Audrey, ibd Jupiter Blue, Fingerpaints Cool Blue. I received a couple of questions about For Audrey – Sarong is a much brighter teal.
The new green shade, Lime All The Time is also similar to the shade that was released last year called Sometimes A Girl’s Gotta Glow. Lime All the Time is lighter/brighter, but only by a few shades. Again, I don’t think there’s a need to own both of these. Lime All the Time has better coverage, so I would probably go with that one.
Here are some other limey shades. From left to right: Gelaze Lime Light, Gelish Amazon Flirt, Gelish A Girl’s Gotta Glow, Gelish Lime All the Time, LeChat Spearmint. This photo shows the difference between the shades a little better than the one above. They aren’t dupes for sure, but very similar shades.Pacific Sunset is the new pink in the Paradise collection. The pink from last year was Brights Have More Fun. These two are also similar, yet different. My photos don’t show the differences in these shades well, but Pacific Sunset is a brighter shade of pink and is less reddish.
Here are some other related colors. From left to right: Gelish Shake It Til You Samba, Gelish Brights Have More Fun, Gelish Pacific Sunset and Gelish Make You Blink Pink. Make You Blink Pink is the other pink from last year’s summer collection. You can see this one is a very different shade from the others, but I thought it would be good to show.
And lastly the new orange shade is Rockin’ the Reef. Last year’s orange/peach shade was I’m Brighter Than You. These colors are very different from one another, but Rockin’ The Reef does resemble some other colors which you’ll see in the next photo.
Rockin’ the Reef is a unique shade in the Gelish line. It’s an orange that leans slightly coral. It’s similar to Tiki Tiki, but not quite as orange, and it’s lighter than the other more coral colors. I have a really hard time capturing true colors when they are side-by-side like this, so this isn’t 100% accurate. From left to right: Gelish Tiger Blossom, Gelish Fairest of Them All, Gelish Tiki Tiki Laranga, Gelish Rockin’ the Reef and Gelish I’m Brighter Than You.
I hope you all find this post helpful in determining which colors to buy! I still think the two that everyone should get are Tahiti Hottie and Mali-Blu Me Away!
And here are a few answers to some FAQ’s that I receive whenever I post pictures of my swatch sticks!
Q: Where do you buy your swatch sticks? A: eBay! I buy them from China using this listing.
Q: Do you use a base and top coat on your swatch sticks? A: I do not use a base, but I do use a top coat.
Q: What do you use to label your swatch sticks? A: I use this Brother label maker and clear labels. The clear labels are just slightly too wide to fit on the sticks so I have to trim them down before applying.